Order Summary
Minimum order $10.00
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peeled tomatoes, mozzarella salad, Genovese pesto
iceberg, bacon, chicken breast, parmesan, Caesar sauce
iceberg, arugula, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella salad, salad dressing: (Extra Virgin olive oil, Modena balsamic vinegar, honey and mustard)
lettuce, cucumbers, tuna, olive, corn, lemon, salad dressing: (Extra Virgin olive oil, Modena balsamic vinegar, honey and mustard)
lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, onions, egg, salad dressing: (Extra Virgin olive oil, Modena balsamic vinegar, honey and mustard)
tomatoes, cucumbers, green pepper, red onion, olive, feta cheese, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella sabelli, cherry tomatoes, olives, pesto sauce, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella sabelli, prosciutto, arugula, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella Sabelli, Calabro salad (spicy), extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella sabelli, bacon, red onion, olives, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella sabelli, chicken fillet, red onion, fresh peppers, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella sabelli, ham, cherry tomatoes, emmental, arugula, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella Sabelli, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, mozzarella sabelli, ham, fresh mushrooms, extra virgin olive oil
cream (animal), mozzarella Sabelli, blue cheese, emmental, parmesan, extra virgin olive oil
tomato sauce, Sabelli mozzarella, chicken fillet, smoked cheese, corn, extra virgin olive oil
chicken on a plate, tortilla cake, rice, peppers on a plate, onion on a plate, red beans, mushrooms, corn with spices, tomatoes, olives, iceberg, yellow cheese, cream sauce, mayonnaise sauce or hot...
veal or minced meat (specify), tortilla bread, rice, plate peppers, onion, red beans, mushrooms, corn with spices, tomatoes, iceberg, olives, yellow cheese, cream sauce, mayonnaise sauce, or hot spit...
pork roast, tortilla bread, rice, plate peppers, plate onion, red beans, mushrooms, spicy corn, tomatoes, iceberg, olives, yellow cheese, cream sauce, mayonnaise sauce or hot salad, if desired
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